The Australian Poultry Science Symposium (APSS) is the premier avian science conference in Australasia and attracts delegates from right across the country and around the World. Each year (usually in February), APSS is collaboratively organised by the University of Sydney – Poultry Research Foundation and the World’s Poultry Science Association – Australian Branch, with an organising committee also assembled to include key industry stakeholders. The symposium is renowned for is vast array of industry relevant science and also for the excellent opportunities it affords the next generation of poultry scientists.
APSS 2025 will be the 36th edition of the symposium, and will be held at a new venue, The University of Sydney – Abercrombie Business School. Our organising committee has again elected for the event to remain exclusively FACE-TO-FACE again next year, however we continue to explore the possibility of offering a virtual recorded version, which would be released at the conclusion of the conference, allowing anyone who could not attend the in person to review the presentations and discussions.
The official scientific program will commence from lunch-time on Monday, with check-in for the event opening from 9am Monday morning. This allows delegates time to fly into Sydney on Monday, attend to emails/business calls pre-event and also socialise prior the symposium opening. Morning tea and lunch will still be included for all delegates on Monday. It is also important to note that due to the midday start on Monday, our contributing authors will be presenting through to late afternoon on Wednesday.
The over-arching theme of APSS 2025 will be: “Enhancing productivity through resilience”. The symposium will of course feature another extraordinary group of local and international invited speakers, hand-picked by the organising committee, to provide their extensive insight into the most import and on trend topics within the poultry industry. As always, we invite researchers from far and wide to submit and present a large range of scientific papers, loaded with industry-relevant content and cutting edge research. Our extraordinary social program will include: Mentoring Meet and Greet, Monday Night BBQ & Poster Session and Tuesday Night Symposium Dinner. These events, coupled with generous lunch and tea breaks, provide our delegates with amazing networking opportunities over the 3 day event, something which APSS is also renowned for.