La principal actividad de FEDNA consiste en la organización de un congreso anual, en el cual se exponen diversos aspectos relacionados con los últimos avances en Nutrición y Alimentación Animal. […]

VIV MEA 2025

INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHOW FROM FEED TO FOOD FOR THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA VIV MEA is the leading animal husbandry show in the Middle East. In a relatively short period […]

VICTAM ASIA and Health & Nutrition (Bangkok)

The Victam Corporation and VIV Worldwide succesfully organised the first edition of VICTAM Asia and Health & Nutrition Asia in September 2022. The next edition will be organized from March 10 - […]

VIV EUROPE 2026 (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

VIV Europe is the top quality event for the animal for animal and poultry husbandry. Professionals active in the production of poultry meat, eggs, pig meat, fish, feed system, digital […]

WPSA World’s Poultry Congress 2026 (27th edition, Toronto)

WPC 2026 will be a cornerstone event for various poultry science disciplines, encompassing a broad range of research topics. It will bring together poultry scientists, industry professionals, stakeholders, academics, and […]

Salão Internacional de Proteína Animal

Maior evento das cadeias produtivas no Brasil, o SIAVS reúne a avicultura, a bovinocultura, a suinocultura e o setor de peixes de cultivo em um único grande evento, promovendo um […]

FENAVI Congreso Nacional Avícola de Colombia 2026

En su versión anterior, bajo el lema #AviculturaSostenible, el XXI Congreso Fenavi llevado a cabo del 4 al 6 de junio 2024 en Corferias, Bogotá, reunió a más de 3.900 […]

VIV Africa 2026 (old Poultry Africa)

Building on the success of the previous editions, Poultry Africa has transitioned to VIV Africa. With a focus on animal production and especially the production of Poultry layers and Poultry […]