VIV Europe is the top quality event for the animal for animal and poultry husbandry. Professionals active in the production of poultry meat, eggs, pig meat, fish, feed system, digital […]
WPC 2026 will be a cornerstone event for various poultry science disciplines, encompassing a broad range of research topics. It will bring together poultry scientists, industry professionals, stakeholders, academics, and […]
Maior evento das cadeias produtivas no Brasil, o SIAVS reúne a avicultura, a bovinocultura, a suinocultura e o setor de peixes de cultivo em um único grande evento, promovendo um […]
En su versión anterior, bajo el lema #AviculturaSostenible, el XXI Congreso Fenavi llevado a cabo del 4 al 6 de junio 2024 en Corferias, Bogotá, reunió a más de 3.900 […]
Building on the success of the previous editions, Poultry Africa has transitioned to VIV Africa. With a focus on animal production and especially the production of Poultry layers and Poultry […]
Check the Dates. This Symposium takes place every 4 years. Next edition should be in 2027 but probably will be celebrated in 2028.
Check the dates