The Croatian Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association organizes the XXth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products and the XXVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. This Symposium is organized every two years jointly by Working Groups 4 and 5 of the European Federation of WPSA, and this […]
The 3rd Pan-African Poultry Conference (PPC3) revolves around the central theme of “Resilience and Sustainability of Poultry Value Chains in Challenging Environments in Africa.” This pivotal theme underscores the need to enhance the robustness and sustainability of poultry production systems across the continent, particularly in the face of environmental, economic, and social challenges. The poultry […]
La exposición ANUGA, celebrada cada dos años en Colonia, Alemania, es una de las multi-ferias más grandes y relevantes del mundo en el sector alimentario y de bebidas. Con más de 7.500 expositores y alrededor de 170.000 visitantes de 200 países, ANUGA sirve como una plataforma esencial para presentar innovaciones, tendencias y nuevos productos. Su […]